Under what circumstances should you conclude a distribution agreement directly with the distribution operator and not through the supplier?

Most end customers conclude a distribution agreement through the electricity supplier, not directly with us. There also are a few exceptions.

It might be useful for you to read ANRE Order No. 90/2015, where the distribution agreement is referred to as the network contract. The ones who conclude a distribution contract directly with the distributor are, firstly, the electricity supplier.

There are, however, end customers who directly conclude the distribution agreement with the electricity distribution operator. We are talking about large business customers (who can sometimes operate as non-concessionary distributors) connected through a medium or high voltage network to the distribution network operated by us. They have other business or household customers connected to their equipment upstream.

Conclusion of the Agreement

The Network Agreement concluded by the end customer with the distribution operator concerns the consumption place(s) thereof. The end customer with several consumption places may conclude a distribution agreement for a part of or all the consumption places with the distribution operator.

Amendment of the Agreement

Any and all amendments to the agreement shall be included in the annexes thereto. In case you want to add or remove a consumption place from the agreement, we shall conclude an addendum.